New/Used Vehicle Sales

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New/Used Vehicle Sales

Tailored Insurance Solutions for Vehicle Dealerships

We understand the unique challenges and risks associated with running a new or used vehicle dealership. From inventory damage and customer accidents on the lot to potential liability issues during test drives, New/Used Vehicle Sales Insurance is designed to provide comprehensive protection that covers all aspects of your dealership operations.

Why New/Used Vehicle Sales Insurance?

Vehicle dealerships operate in a dynamic environment where high-value assets are constantly at risk. Whether it's damage to your vehicle inventory due to weather, theft, or vandalism, or liability from customer interactions, having the right insurance coverage is critical to protect your investment and ensure business continuity.

Comprehensive Coverage for Dealerships
Garage Liability Insurance

This foundational coverage protects against bodily injury or property damage caused by operations related to vehicle sales, including service operations.

Dealers Open Lot Insurance

Provides coverage for physical damage to your inventory of vehicles due to weather, vandalism, theft, or collision.

Business Property Insurance

Protects your dealership buildings, showrooms, and contents from damage due to fires, storms, and other risks.

Business Interruption Insurance

Compensates for lost income and helps cover operating expenses if your dealership must close temporarily due to a covered disaster.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Given the increasing reliance on digital operations, this coverage protects against data breaches and cyber threats.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

Covers risks related to employment practices, including claims of discrimination, wrongful termination, and harassment.

Additional Coverage Options
Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance

For finance and insurance (F&I) managers, covering liabilities related to errors in contract management or warranty disclosures.

Workers' Compensation

Essential for protecting your employees in case of work-related injuries or illnesses.

Customer Test Drive Coverage

Specifically designed to cover liability issues that might occur when customers test drive vehicles.

Expert Guidance for Your Dealership

Choosing the right insurance coverage for your vehicle dealership is crucial for protecting your assets and securing your business’s future. Our team at [Brokerage Name] specializes in commercial insurance for the automotive industry and is committed to providing expert guidance. We'll help you understand your risks and customize a policy that offers comprehensive protection.


We Help To Get Solutions

Businesses engaged in selling new and used vehicles typically need a combination of coverages, including general liability insurance, property insurance, inventory coverage (also known as dealers open lot insurance), and commercial auto insurance. Additional coverages such as crime insurance, cyber liability insurance, and employment practices liability insurance might also be necessary depending on the size and operations of the dealership.

Any business that sells new or used vehicles, including car dealerships, motorcycle dealers, and recreational vehicle dealers, requires this type of insurance to protect against a variety of risks associated with their business operations.

Insurance for vehicle sales businesses includes specific coverages for risks unique to the auto sales industry, such as protection for a large inventory of vehicles exposed to theft, damage, and natural disasters. It also includes liability coverages that cater to the risks of test drives and vehicle operations by employees and customers.

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